Sea Shepherd says that more than 32,000 whales have been killed by Japan, Iceland, Norway and Russia since the moratorium.
STEVE JACOBS: ‘The International Whaling Commission has rejected Japan’s proposal to end the global moratorium on commercial whaling, which has been in place since 1986. At the 67th annual meeting of the IWC, this year held in Florianopolis, Brazil, Japan argued that stocks have recovered sufficiently for the ban to be lifted and that no good reason exists to maintain a measure that was meant to be temporary. It has repeatedly tried to lift the ban…
Japan’s proposal, called the “Way Forward”, attempted to establish a so-called “Sustainable Whaling Committee” and a process to determine catch limits for what it calls “abundant whale stocks/species”… The declaration affirms the moratorium on commercial whaling and agrees that the use of lethal research methods – killing whales for so-called research – is unnecessary…
Sea Shepherd says that more than 32,000 whales have been killed by Japan, Iceland, Norway and Russia since the moratorium. Sea Shepherd’s founder Captain Paul Watson, who has spent many years opposing Japan’s “scientific research” programs, said on Saturday: “Following yesterday’s most welcome Florianopolis Declaration, this defeat of the Japanese proposal has made the 67th meeting of the International Whaling Commission an awesome historical event for the world’s whales’. SOURCE…