The report details that Genetically Engineered techniques have the ability to cause unintended effects leading to horrific suffering for the sentient animals who undergo the inhumane experiments.
GE FREE NZ: ‘AgResearch annual report (2019) on genetically engineered (GE) animal trials reinforce the findings of Friends of the Earth Genetically Engineered Animals: From Lab to Factory Farm report. The reports detail that all GE techniques have the …AgResearch annual report (2019) on genetically engineered (GE) animal trials reinforce the findings of Friends of the Earth ‘Genetically Engineered Animals: From Lab to Factory Farm’ report. The report detail that all GE techniques have the ability to cause unintended effects leading to horrific suffering for the sentient animals who undergo the inhumane experiments…
“AgResearch’s genetic engineering (GE) animal experiments for 19 years have lurched from one failed speculative experiment to another, ignoring the suffering the GE animals sustain,” said Claire Bleakley, president of GE free NZ “It is not the coat colour that is the problem at AgResearch, it is the conditions that cows are kept in, without shelter or shade for their animals”… “It is appalling that they are conducting frivolous genotoxic experiments. AgResearch experimental vivisection, is not science but a loss of all moral and ethical values”. said Bleakley…
GE manipulation causes terrible abnormalities in the cows who carry the abhorrent mutant embryos, leading to around a 90% spontaneous abortion rate, dead foetuses or calves that die within 24 hours. The calves that survive are often euthanised on humane grounds after suffering from skeletal or organ problems, and many of the surviving progeny suffer sterility… Remember Daisy, the GE cow with no tail? She was euthanised on humane grounds at 3 years old; the three FSH “mutant” calves, two found dead one from the haemorrage from a ruptured uterine artery’. SOURCE…