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Wild animals in China poisoned in a mass die-off triggered by coronavirus disinfectant

More than 135 wild animals were poisoned by disinfectants being used to curb the virus. At least 17 species of animals, including wild boar, weasels, and blackbirds, have been affected.

RHEA MAHBUBANI: ‘Wild animals are the latest victims of the coronavirus crisis in mainland China. Amid a scramble to control the spread of COVID-19, Chinese authorities believe, based on samples and tests, that at least 135 wild animals were poisoned by disinfectants being used to curb the illness, United Press International said based on reports from China’s state-owned news agency Xinhua. The mass die-off was reported in the megacity of Chongqing, in southwest China, which, in 2016, was home to over 30 million people.

At least 17 species of animals, including wild boar, weasels, and blackbirds, have been affected, according to the Chongqing Forestry Bureau. Tests have shown that the animals didn’t die of any diseases such as coronavirus or bird flu, UPI said. They will be buried in disinfected sites. Chinese state media said Chongqing is rounding up an estimated 5,300 forest rangers to monitor wildlife in the area. They will be accompanied by 200 “full-time supervisors,” Xinhua reported, although it’s unclear what they will be doing’.  SOURCE…


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