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‘SHARK’ ATTACK: Are animal advocacy groups ‘weak & lazy’, or just at different stages of the cause?

The fact is that animals are literally getting beaten, injured and killed in public venues, and the supposed animal protectors of this 'movement' are not there. What is lacking in the extreme is the will to make change, and the lack of a healthy work ethic. Animal protectors generally are a weak and lazy bunch. There is no question that the determination of animal abusers to hurt animals far exceeds our will to save them.

MERRITT CLIFTON: The rodeo, either Mexican or American style,… is just one issue demonstrating the incredibly paper-thin resolve of the animal protection cause. Rodeos are occurring all across the U.S. in what the military would call a target-rich environment. Were there any depth to this movement, to the degree that it can even be called a movement), there would be significant wide-ranging engagement with the opposition. It is an easy task, because there are so many targets to choose from.

What is lacking in the extreme is the will to make change, and the lack of a healthy work ethic. In other words, animal protectors generally are a weak and lazy bunch. There is no question that the determination of animal abusers to hurt animals far exceeds our will to save them.

During the rodeo season, Showing Animals Respect & Kindness [SHARK] – a very small organization that deals with numerous additional issues – engages with anywhere from one to three rodeos every week. SHARK’s consistent effort, which has been ongoing for decades, is matched by no one, not because we are superhuman, or possess special authority, and God knows our resources are bare minimal.

The fact is that animals are literally getting beaten, injured and killed in public venues, and the supposed animal protectors of this “movement” are not there. There are a whole bunch of other individuals and organizations who could and should be involved as well, especially those big, loud organizations. If you aren’t embarrassed at this preposterous scenario, I think you haven’t been paying attention.

Where is the Humane Society of the United States [HSUS]? Where is People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals [PETA]? Where is the American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals [ASPCA], or add the names of the next 50 largest organizations in the U.S. No-shows, each and every one of them. Shameful…

PETA can give a celebrity hell for buying a puppy who is not a rescue, which gets them what they really want – attention – but work in the killing fields, or the arenas of torture, seems to be of no interest to them. So long as this screwy movement operates like that – wasteful, inefficient, lazy, fraudulently, etc. – our cause will proceed at a snail’s pace, if at all…

Wayne Hsiung, founder of Direct Action Everywhere, has voiced similar, albeit less specific complaints to those expressed by Steve Hindi, above, in recent installments of his blog, Wayne Hsiung from the Simple Heart. Hsiung, for example, asserts in his July 28, 2023 posting that “The vegan movement has failed. It’s time to build a movement for rescue,” meaning “open rescue” of farmed animals from factory farms and slaughterhouses. That the “vegan movement has failed” is an exceedingly odd claim in view that plant-based food products are now available practically everywhere, eaten in lieu of animal products and byproducts by more people than ever…

No one has published more exposés than ANIMALS 24-7 of the failings of the animal rights and vegan movements over the past 35 years, nor of the chicanery, corruption, and frequent bureaucratic ineptitude of many of the biggest animal advocacy organizations. At the same time, ANIMALS 24-7 in fairness must point out that Hsiung and Hindi are working at different stages of activism from the big organizations and from the vast majority of animal advocacy activists and donors…

ANIMALS 24-7 suggests to both Hindi and Hsiung that instead of railing at older people for not doing what Hindi and Hsiung believe they should be doing, having already accepted their goals, they need to inspire younger activists to enlist as participants in their organizations.

Alternatively, if transforming their small, closely focused veteran teams into youthful armies with necessarily decentralized control is inappropriate and impractical, as may be the case, accept that their role is “small unit guerrilla action,” which can kindle a revolution in human perception and behavior, otherwise known as a “movement,” but is a forerunner to the “movement,” not the movement itself. SOURCE…


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