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How to Give Dogs the Best Lives Possible in a Human World

MARC BEKOFF: ‘It always seems to surprise people when they learn that numerous dogs who live with well-meaning people still live stressful lives as they try to adapt to a human-dominated world… Our relationship with dogs is an asymmetric, one-sided relationship, one that many of us would not tolerate with another human. Simply put, dogs want and need more freedom… When I spend time at various dog parks, talk with people on hiking trails and occasionally around town, or receive emails, I’m often asked questions that center on how can they give their dogs the best lives possible…

“Let dogs be dogs. Let’s appreciate them as individuals with unique personalities. Let them exercise their noses and all of their senses when they’re home and out and about. Let them play with their friends and do zoomies to their heart’s content. To appreciate what it’s like to be a dog, we need to understand how they see, hear, touch, taste, and most of all, smell. We’re most fortunate to have dogs in our lives, and we must work for the day when all dogs are most fortunate to have us in their lives. In the long run, we’ll all be better for it”.’ SOURCE…


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