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Roger Stone: ‘Drain EPA’s Animal Testing Swamp’

The tests shockingly involved force-feeding animals lard to make them obese and then exposing them to air pollution.

ROGER STONE: ‘Last month marked a huge victory for man’s best friend and dog-loving Americans with…a spending bill that finally defunds nearly all of the Department of Veterans Affairs’ (VA) cruel and wasteful canine experiments… Unfortunately, the VA isn’t the only entrenched government agency where mission creep has resulted in the senseless torture of helpless animals with our tax dollars and the madness must be stopped immediately.

Take the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), whose laudable mission is “to protect human health and the environment.” Sadly, many of the agency’s programs and policies accomplish neither, and even undermine the EPA’s objectives. In the name of reducing fuel emissions, it set federal ethanol standards that are helping decimate butterfly populations…

A review conducted by conservative watchdog group White Coat Waste Project of some 20 EPA studies done in the past two years shows that animals were forced to inhale toxic fumes and were exposed to pollutants the EPA claims can be deadly in humans. The tests shockingly involved force-feeding animals lard to make them obese and then exposing them to air pollution, forcing animals to breathe diesel exhaust, blasting animals with loud noises and light and then exposing them to ozone, and giving baby animals electric shocks…

EPA critic and founder Steve Milloy told the Daily Caller, “Mice are not little people when it comes to studying the potential health effects, like cancer, of low-level exposures to chemicals in the environment”… The EPA’s animal tests are as dumb as they sound. They’re also dangerous because their misleading results may be used as a basis for flawed public health and regulatory decisions that harm people and industry’. SOURCE…


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