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Animal welfare: If you want cheap knitwear, it’s the sheep that may suffer

But beyond the indefensible actions of some individuals lies a wider issue. Consumer demand for cheap clothing is part of the problem.

LINDSEY HAMILTON: ‘Secretly filmed footage of a group of sheep shearers working on a farm makes for shocking viewing. Animals are kicked, stamped on and punched in the face. The abuse, uncovered by an animal rights group, is difficult to watch…

But beyond the indefensible actions of some individuals lies a wider issue… Consumer demand for cheap clothing is part of the problem… Continuing to expose and discuss animal cruelty is an important step in ensuring it remains on the agricultural and political agenda – and that it permeates the consciousness of consumers, too.

Consumer demand for wool is a driver of the price the farmer receives and, as the seasons change and magazine editors publicise jumpers and cardigans for the autumn and winter, now is a good time to raise awareness of the issue’. SOURCE…


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