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No Longer a ‘Cereal’ Killer: Kellogg to End Animal Tests

Like any person, human or otherwise, these animals valued their own lives. Up until the moment they were killed, they experienced unimaginable terror and would have done their best to escape torment and an untimely death.

ZACHARY TOLIVER: ‘After extensive discussions with PETA, the world’s largest cereal maker, Kellogg Company, has adopted a new public policy officially ending its cruel and deadly animal tests. Kellogg had pursued these tests for nearly 65 years, as early as 1954, in an attempt to establish questionable human health claims for its food products and ingredients… From 1995 to 2016, Kellogg conducted, funded, and/or supplied materials to deadly experiments that used 1,213 rats and 60 hamsters.

In one of these tests, experimenters starved rats for two days, cut off half of their small intestines, fed them fatty acids, force-fed or injected them with drugs, and then killed and dissected them. In another, experimenters fed rats a high-fat diet with wheat bran, repeatedly injected them with a carcinogen that induces colon tumors, suffocated them to death, and dissected them…

None of these experiments to assess product-marketing claims are required by law. Such tests, which involve common food ingredients with no toxicity concerns, can instead be safely performed using human volunteers, and numerous such studies have already been conducted and published…

Like any person, human or otherwise, these animals valued their own lives. Up until the moment they were killed, they experienced unimaginable terror and would have done their best to escape torment and an untimely death. Experimenters reduce complex individuals to nothing more than laboratory equipment and take away their most fundamental right to life’. SOURCE…


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