Over half a million animals – from rabbits to mice, rats, guinea pigs, and hamsters - are still used annually in cruel and unnecessary cosmetics testing worldwide.
MARTIN BANKS: ‘A vote by MEPs in the European Parliament to overwhelmingly adopt a resolution supporting a global ban on cosmetic testing on animals has been broadly welcomed. The vote was on a resolution marking the fifth anniversary of the EU’s ground-breaking ban on the sale in Europe of new cosmetics products and ingredients that have been tested on animals outside the EU. There are, though, still no laws banning animal tests for cosmetics products and ingredients across 80 per cent of the world. The resolution aims to task EU member state governments, the European Commission and European Council to advocate a global end to animal testing in cosmetics…
The resolution calls for the Commission to take “decisive action to create an international agreement (within the UN framework similar to the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES)) to bring a definitive end to cosmetics animal testing globally”… Michelle Thew, CEO of Cruelty Free International, said, “Tragically, despite the availability of approved non-animal tests and existing ingredients safe for human use, there are still no laws banning animal tests for cosmetics products and ingredients in 80 per cent of the world. We estimate that over half a million animals – from rabbits to mice, rats, guinea pigs, and hamsters – are still used annually in cruel and unnecessary cosmetics testing worldwide”.’ SOURCE…