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ANIMAL REBELLION: Vegans hold candlelight vigil in memory of animals slaughtered for meat at London’s Smithfield Market

At the vigil, in memory of all animals who lost their lives, the activists tweeted: We want Smithfield workers to know that no one should have to dismember animal bodies as part of an environment-ravaging system.

LARA KEAY: ‘Vegans activists from Animal Rebellion occupied the iconic east London meat market yesterday evening… forcing out meat traders from London’s famous Smithfield Market, covering their stalls with fruit and veg and shouting ‘beef equals grief’ as they arrived at work,… and staging a ‘people’s assembly’ with speakers including TV presenter and animal lover Chris Packham, they demanded the Government oust all meat traders from the market and make it exclusively for fruit and veg sellers.

Dozens camped out overnight waiting for traders to arrive in the early hours – only to stop them setting up their stalls and covering them with plant-based food instead. The protest sparked fury among workers and meat-lovers alike, as many claimed protestors are ‘interfering with people’s livelihoods’… Meat traders were enraged after they were told by the City of London Police not to use their lorries’ horns in case they woke sleeping protestors…

Despite the criticism, Animal Rebellion stood firm, staging a candlelit vigil overnight ‘in memory of all the animals who lost their lives’. They tweeted: ‘As the Smithfield workers arrive, we want them to know that no-one should have to dismember animal bodies as part of an environment-ravaging system. We want to bring them with us on a journey of change’.’  SOURCE…


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