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‘The Animal Thing’: New documentary charts the struggles of animal rights pioneer and theologian Andrew Linzey

'The Animal Thing' is the story of Andrew Linzey. As a tireless campaigner for animal rights, he has been a progressive voice in the Anglican Church and a polarizing force at the University of Oxford. But despite the immense price he has paid for confronting the cruelty of animal exploitation, his impact has been largely unheralded by the modern animal movement. Until now.

ADAM LINZEY: The ‘Animal Thing’ charts the struggles of animal rights pioneer and theologian Andrew Linzey, as explored by his filmmaker son. This is the story of a man who spoke out as a progressive voice in the Anglican Church, a polarizing force at the University of Oxford, and as a tireless campaigner for animal rights, on a range of issues from fox hunting and seal clubbing, to vivisection. Today, Andrew considers himself a failure. But despite the immense price he has paid for confronting the cruelty of animal exploitation, Andrew has also had an enormous and, until now, largely unheralded impact on the modern animal movement. SOURCE…

The Oxford Centre for Animal Ethics is an independent educational organization for the purpose of “adult and other education”. The Centre is affiliated with the Oxford University Animal Ethics Society. It is not under the aegis, control, or sanction of the University of Oxford. It is the first in the world dedicated to pioneering ethical perspectives on animals through academic research, teaching, and publication. It is an independent “think tank” for the advancement of progressive thought about animals with the aim to put animals on the intellectual agenda. The Center consists of an international fellowship of academics drawn from both the humanities and the sciences dedicated to pioneering ethical perspectives; contributes to thoughtful public debate about animals and strives to become a world-class centre of academic excellence. SOURCE…


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