MARC BEKOFF: A number of people sent me emails asking me if and how simply learning vicariously about different forms of animal abuse via social or other media can have a negative traumatic effect on other individuals who aren’t directly involved in the situation at hand. Because of these queries, I realized that while I made mention of what some call the “collateral damage” of witnessing or learning about animal injustice at a distance that doesn’t involve giving direct care, I hadn’t given enough attention to the actual scope of losses of animal well-being and declines in human well-being by […]
MONIQUE MERRILL: Five elderly African elephants will be staying put in a Colorado zoo after the state Supreme Court denied an animal advocacy group’s effort to expand the definition of “persons” to include elephants under the state’s unlawful imprisonment review process on Tuesday. In a 21-page opinion, the full Colorado Supreme Court determined that the state’s habeas corpus statute, which grants relief to civil detainees, applies only to humans and not other creatures, “no matter how cognitively, psychologically, or socially sophisticated they may be.” Acknowledging that its decision is narrowly tailored to a question of law, and not the court’s […]
SALARY IDEAS: The CEO of PETA is Ingrid Newkirk, who is also the co-founder of the organization. She founded PETA in 1980 along with Alex Pacheco to fight against animal cruelty and promote animal rights. Ingrid Newkirk is a well-known figure in the animal rights movement. Over the years, she has led countless campaigns to raise awareness about the suffering of animals in laboratories, the food industry, the clothing industry, and entertainment. Her leadership has helped PETA grow into a global organization with millions of members and supporters. She has written several books about animal rights and is known for […]