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Public slaughter pits Swiss tradition against modern thinking

STEPHANIE HESS: ‘On a wet Saturday morning, the small village of Sissach in canton Basel Country in the north of Switzerland, sees two pigs publicly slaughtered… The tradition began in the 18th century, when Swiss rural families started to buy two or three pigs in the spring, fattened them during the summer and slaughtered them on their farms in the autumn…

But this rural tradition no longer has its place in Switzerland’s modern society, as reflected in the outcry triggered by the event in Sissach. When the local press announced Rolf Häring’s public slaughtering, which was going to take place on his private property, the editorial pages in the local papers quickly filled with outrage…

This public outcry was felt all over Switzerland, a country where according to the vegetarian organisation Swissveg more than 60 million animals are slaughtered each year – which translates to 170,000 animals per day. And several tons of meat are imported from abroad each year. In international terms, Switzerland is far less carnivorous than countries such as Australia, where the per capita meat consumption lies at 120kg’. SOURCE…


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