- A Case for Animal Rights (Tom Regan)
- Advocating for a Vegan World (Sandra Higgins)
- A Humane Relationship: A Kinship with Animals (Wayne Pacelle)
- Animal Minds and Animal Ethics (Hans-Johann Glock)
- Animal Rights Art: Jo Frederiks (Graeme Stevenson)
- Animal Rights as a Mainstream Phenomenon (Bernie Rollin)
- Animal Sentience from Fishes to Flies (Centre for Sensory Studies)
- Animals and Social Justice (Will Kymlicka)
- Anonymous for the Voiceless (Paul Bashir)
- Ape/Human and Nature/Culture Difference: Navigating Muddier Waters (Nancy Howell)
- A Sacred Duty: Applying Jewish Values To Help Heal The World (Jewish Vegetarians of North America)
- Animal Advocacy (Wayne Pacelle)
- Animal Emotions and Animal Rights Law (Frans de Waal)
- Animal Emotions and Empathy (Frans de Waal)
- Animal Ethics: Abolition, Regulation or Citizenship? (Rutgers School of Law Conference)
- Animal Liberation: Past, Present and Future (Peter Singer)
- Animal Liberation: The Past and Future of Factory Farming (Jay Quigley)
- Animal Life and the Problem of Consciousness (Peter Godfrey-Smith)
- Animal Personhood: A Debate (Steven Wise and Richard Cupp)
- Animal Rights Activism (Martin Balluch)
- Animal Rights and Environmental Wrong (Tom Regan)
- Animal Rights and the Capabilities Approach: A Radical Alternative to Anthropocentrism (Martha Nussbaum)
- Animal Rights As a Mainstream Phenomenon (Bernard Rollin)
- Animal Rights Movement As a Manifestation of a Civic Society (Martin Balluch)
- Animal Rights Movement: Moving Backwards (Gary Francione)
- Animal Rights Should Trump Human Interests (IQ2 Debate)
- Animal Rights: A No-Brainer (Mark Rowlands)
- Animal Rights, Multiculturalism, and the Left (Will Kymlicka)
- Animal Welfare and Ethics (David Fraser)
- Animal Wise: The Thoughts and Emotions of our Fellow Creatures (Virginia Morell)
- Animals and Social Justice (Will Kymlicka)
- Animals and the Care for Creation (Br. Isaac Anderson, OP)
- Animals and the Kingdom of God (Bruce Friedrich)
- Animals as Food? Three Views (Wissenschaftszentrum Berlin für Sozialforschung (WZB))
- Animals in Earliest Christianity (Keith Akers)
- Animals in the History of Western Thought (Gary Steiner)
- Appropriation of Abolition and Animal Rights by Regulationists (Gary Francione)
- Are Animals Smarter Than We Realise? (David Harper)
- Are Human Rights Speciesist? (Alisdair Cochrane)
- Are Humans Designed to Eat Meat? (Milton Mills, MD)
- Are We Smart Enough to Know How Smart Animals Are? (Frans de Waal)
- Best Speech You Will Ever Hear (Gary Yourofsky)
- Beyond Words: What Animals Think and Feel (Carl Safina)
- Big Farms Make Big Flu (Robert Wallace)
- Bringing the Collective Together: Nonhuman Animals, Humans and Practice at the University (Fabio Rossi, Bill Milsom, Nelly Auersperg, and Dan Weary)
- Can Christianity Become Good News For Animals? (Rev. Andrew Linzey)
- Carnism – Why We Love Dogs, Eat Pigs and Wear Cows (Melanie Joy)
- Catholic Social Teaching and Animal Rights (Berkley Center of Georgetown University)
- Christian Vegetarianism (Fr. John Dear, SJ)
- Christianity and Animal Rights (Allison Covey)
- Civil Disobedience for Animals (Martin Smedjeback)
- Compassionate Conservation (Marc Bekoff and Daniel Ramp)
- Creation: Is God’s Charity Broad Enough For Bears? (Elizabeth A. Johnson)
- Cruelty to Animals (Joanna Bourke)
- Cube of Truth: Workshop (Paul Bashir)
- Debate: Eating Meat is Neither Ethical Nor Healthy (Bruce Friedrich & John Mackey)
- Dharma and Animal Rights (Dina Aherne & Vidhya Bhasker)
- Earth Talk: Eating Green for Animals and Our Planet (Joyce D’Silva)
- Eat Like You Care (Gary L. Francione and Anna E. Charlton)
- Eating Animals (Jonathan Safran Foer)
- Eating for Spiritual Health and Social Harmony (Will Tuttle)
- Ecology and Theology: Christian Perspectives on Environmental Stewardship (Gary Bryner)
- Effective Altruism for Animals (NYU Environmental Studies)
- Emerging Social Ethics for Animals: Animal Rights as a Mainstream Phenomenon (Bernard Rollin)
- Everything You Know About Homo Sapiens is Wrong (Steve Best)
- Framing Animal Rights in Our Favor (Matt Schwab)
- From the Warsaw Ghetto to the Fight for Animal Rights (Alex Hershaft)
- Full Debate: Animals Should Be Off The Menu (St. James Ethics and Wheeler Centre)
- Glass Walls: The Lecture (Tal Gilboa)
- How Not To Die (Michael Greger)
- Human Organs-on-Chips As Replacements for Animal Testing (Donald Ingber)
- Impact Report On ‘The Ghosts In Our Machine’ Documentary (Liz Marshall)
- Human Rights Without Human Supremacism (Will Kymlicka)
- Interacting With Animals: A Kantian Account (Christine Korsgaard)
- Introduction to Effective Animal Advocacy (Jacy Reese)
- Jainism, Animal Rights, and Veganism (Gary Francione)
- Judaism and Animals: The Untold Story (Jeffrey Cohan)
- Judaism and Vegetarianims: Does Torah Point to a Preferred Diet? (Michael Skobac)
- Justice for Animals: Practical Progress Through Philosophical Theory (Martha C. Nussbaum)
- Leading Causes Of Death: Delay Death With Veganism (Dr. Michael Greger)
- Lessons the Vegan Movement Can Learn from Other Justice Movements (Sherry Colb & Michael Dorf)
- Making Animal Protection a Mainstream Political Issue (Kim W. Stallwood)
- Meatonomics: How the Rigged Economics of Meat and Dairy Make You Consume Too Much and How to Eat Better, Live Longer, and Spend Smarter (David Robinson Simon)
- Membership Rights for Animals (Will Kymlicka)
- Mirroring Narcissus: The Pursuit of Human Uniqueness as Species-Level Narcissism (David Clough)
- Modern Warrior (Damien Mander)
- Not So Different (Nathan H. Lents)
- On Meat Without Animals: Considering Cellular Agriculture (Stanford University Ethics in Society)
- Parrot Intelligence and Animal Ethics (Irene Pepperberg)
- Reducing Wild Animal Suffering Through Research (Persis Eskander)
- Reflecting on the Politics of Animal Liberation (Paola Cavalieri)
- Rethinking Thinking: How Intelligent Are Other Animals? (World Science Festival)
- Reversing Extinction: Why Climate Justice Needs Animal Rights (Wayne Hsiung)
- Rewilding Our Hearts, Compassionate Conservation, and Peaceful Coexistence (Mark Bekoff)
- Speciesism: An Introduction (Marian Kelner)
- Sustainable Activism (Melanie Joy)
- The Abolitionist Approach to Animal Rights (Gary Francione)
- The Act of Courageous Compassion That Can Change Our World (Joanne Kong)
- The Animal Holocaust (Philip Wollen)
- The Animal Law Lecture Series of 2007 – Keynote Presentation (Steven Wise)
- The Animal’s Agenda: Freedom, Compassion for Individuals, and Reform (Marc Bekoff)
- The Challenge of Christian Animal Ethics (David Clough)
- The Ethics of What We Eat (Peter Singer)
- The Future of Protein (Bruce Friedrich)
- The God Debate: Animal Suffering And The Problem Of Evil (Daniel Breyer and Michael Murray)
- The Global Struggle for Nonhuman Rights (Institute of Animal Law of Asia)
- The Humane Economy (Wayne Pacelle)
- The Inner Life of Animals: Notes From a Vegan Biologist (Jonathan Balcombe)
- The Legal Protection of Vegans (Jordi Casamitjana)
- The Omnivore’s Dilemma (Michael Pollan)
- The Philosophical Foundation of Animal Rights in Indian Law (Krishnan Venugopal)
- The Politics of Personhood: Who Counts and What’s at Stake? (Lori Gruen)
- The Real Matrix – 101 Reasons to Go Vegan (James Wildman)
- The Role of Meat in the Human Diet (John McDougall)
- The Secret Lives of Fish and Our Relationships With Them (Jonathan Balcombe)
- The Sentient World of Fishes (Jonathan Balcombe)
- The Someone Project: Farmed Animals Reveal Who They Are Through Science (Lori Marino)
- The Struggle of the Nonhuman Rights Project for the Legal Personhood of Nonhuman Animals (Steven Wise)
- The Suffering of Wild Animals: Should We Do Anything About It, And If So, What? (Peter Singer)
- The War Against Animals: The State and Private Dominion (Dinesh Wadiwel)
- The Why and How of Effective Pro-Veg Interventions (Sebastian Joy)
- The Wisdom of the Liminal (Celia Deane-Drummond)
- Thinking About and Eating Animals: Reflections on Coetzee’s ‘The Lives of Animals’ (Stanley Cavell)
- Three Frontiers in the Study of Behavioural Syndromes: Animal Personalities (Andrew Sih)
- Two Dogs and a Parrot (Joan Chittister)
- Understanding the Psychology of Meat for Effective Vegan Advocacy (Melanie Joy)
- Unlocking the Cage: Animal Well-being, Personhood, and the Law (Steven Wise)
- Veganism In Politics (Emma Hurst)
- Veganism is the Presence of Justice (Philip Wollen)
- Veganism: The Moral Imperative (Gary Francione)
- Vegetarian Groups that Changed the World (Rynn Berry)
- Vegetarianism and Christianity: Why Don’t They Mix? (Keith Akers)
- Vegetarianism and Veganism in the Ancient World (Kevin Hodges)
- We Animals: Stories of Love and Liberation (Jo Anne McArthur)
- We Are All Animals (Ingrid Newkirk)
- We Are the Weather (Jonathan Safran Foer)
- What Animals Teach Us About Good and Evil (Jeffrey Masson)
- What Good is God to Animals? (Oliver Putz)
- What Is Our Duty As Adventist Christians? (Matthew Priebe)
- What It’s Like to Be a Dog (Or a Dolphin) (Gregory Berns)
- What the Dairy Industry Doesn’t Want You to Know (Neal Barnard)
- When Animals Speak (Eva Meijer)
- Who Lives, Who Dies, and Why: Ignoring and Redecorating Nature and Specious Speciesism (Marc Bekoff)
- Why a Vegan Party? (Michael Monberg)
- Why We Love Dogs, Eat Pigs, and Wear Cows: An Introduction to Carnism (Melanie Joy)