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Animal Welfare Fails Many Millions of Sentient Individuals

MARC BEKOFF: ‘The Humane Society of the United States (HSUS), other animal welfare societies, and iconic animal welfarist, Dr. Temple Grandin, have asked poultry producers to treat the animals better. How could they not, given the realities of what these sentient beings experience?… Many animal welfare societies along with Dr. Grandin set a very low bar for how these animals should be treated. Of course, even with these so-called improvements for giving these birds a “better life,” their “better life” will hardly be a “good life”…

The reasoning behind animal welfare “improvements” lie in the way in which welfarism works. In an interview Jessica Pierce and I did about our book “The Animals’ Agenda: Freedom, Compassion, and Coexistence in the Human Age”, we noted that animals need more freedom, not merely bigger cages. The book was our attempt to figure out why science is failing animals. The answer, in brief, is that the study of animal emotion and cognition has not really been channeled into animal welfare science…

Furthermore, “animal welfare science” is not science in the service of animals, but rather science in the service of industry and profits. Indeed, as we delved into our research for the book, it became pretty clear that the word “welfare” is a dirty little lie: Whenever you see the word “welfare” in the literature, you can be pretty sure something unpleasant is being done to animals. (The word “humane” is equally troublesome)…

Enough’s enough. We need to give all of these sentient individuals the Freedom they need and deserve. The life of every single individual matters to them, and it should matter to us as well. It’s time to end the mass production of “food animals” once and for all. There’s just too much needless suffering and death. As long as prominent people are spokespersons and apologists for the animal-industrial complex in which billions of animals are killed each year for food, the brutal slaughter will continue’. SOURCE…


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