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Latest ‘Wool Cruelty’ Exposé: Sheep Still Hit, Kicked, Cut, Thrown

PETA:A disturbing new video exposé of the Australian wool industry — the world’s top wool exporter—reveals that extreme cruelty to sheep continues unabated. Exposés in dozens of shearing sheds on three continents show workers punch, kick, cut up, stomp on, mutilate, and throw sheep down chutes like garbage bags.

This latest exposé shows more of the same — sheep shearers in Australia violently punched these gentle animals in the face and beat and jabbed them in the head with sharp metal shears. The attacks often left the petrified sheep bleeding from the eyes, nose, and mouth.

After PETA exposed rampant extreme cruelty to sheep across Australia in 2014, the video evidence resulted in landmark cruelty convictions against shearers, and the wool industry assured the public that such abuse would no longer be tolerated. But as this exposé shows, absolutely nothing has changed for sheep, and the cruelty is as severe as ever’. SOURCE…


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