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This Shocking Photo Exposes the Reality of What Training Animals for the Circus Looks Like

AISLING MARIA CRONIN:Animal circuses may seem, at first glance, to be nothing more than a harmless source of entertainment for kids – after all, what could be cuter than watching an animal perform an unusual trick? However, the reality of what these animals must endure in order to learn those tricks is anything but cute. Circus companies will often claim to be deeply concerned about the well-being of their animals, but the fact of the matter is that the circus is, quite simply, not a natural or healthy environment for an animal…

It is incredibly difficult for some people to understand the suffering that animals in the circus endure which is why images like the one below are so poignant. The photographer, Chu Yongzhi, of the Zhejiang Daily Press, took this picture of a circus monkey cowering in terror as a trainer approached with a whip in hand… Any animal lover who sees this picture cannot fail to be moved by the monkey’s obvious terror … not to mention the uncaring, unsympathetic stance of his or her trainer’. SOURCE…


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