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One in eight species of birds may go extinct thanks to humanity

Of the top 10 factors contributing to this startling revelation, nine of them — like logging, commercial development, hunting and mining — can be traced back to people.

ARIEL SCOTTI: ‘One in eight different species of birds like puffins and snowy owls are at risk of extinction because of intensive farming, a new report on birds across the world revealed. The State of the World’s Birds, a definitive five-year study on bird data, found that the animals are in a “crisis” driven by over farming and increased agriculture expansion. The report by BirdLife International said that nearly 75% of the world’s 1,469 threatened birds are at risk because of contributing factors related to farming…

The study saw that at least 40% of the world’s birds are on the decline and that even when farming does not come into play, humans are likely still responsible. Of the top 10 factors contributing to this startling revelation, nine of them — like logging, commercial development, hunting and mining — can be traced back to people. Hunting is responsible for anywhere from 12 to 38 million dead birds each year in the Mediterranean alone, according to the report. It’s the reason why birds like the yellow-breasted bunting population across Europe and Asia has reduced by 90% since 1980′. SOURCE…


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