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Bill that would ban cosmetic animal testing in Canada clears the Senate

The legislation would also establish that no evidence derived from animal testing may be used to establish the safety of a cosmetic developed in Canada or elsewhere.

HOLLY LAKE: ‘After 29 months before the Senate, a bill that would ban cosmetic animal testing in Canada is finally on its way to the House of Commons. The vote on Bill S-214, The Cruelty-free Cosmetics Act, came… after members of Parliament from all parties joined together to call on senators to stop playing games with three animal protection bills, including the proposed cosmetic testing legislation… Sen. Yuen Pau Woo, the leader of the Independent Senators Group, stood and said he’d heard their request loud and clear, and called for a vote on the bill, as well as Bill S-203, Ending the Captivity of Whales and Dolphins Act and Bill S-238, The Ban on Shark Fin Importation Act…

The legislation would also establish that no evidence derived from animal testing may be used to establish the safety of a cosmetic developed in Canada or elsewhere. Should it pass, there would be a four-year phase in period to allow the industry to adjust — an approach that mirrors the one taken by the European Union. The EU introduced a testing ban in 2009 and, in 2013, established a complete ban on the sale of cosmetics developed through animal testing — regardless of where in the world the testing took place. Stewart Olsen has called it “a backward practice that has no place in Canada.” “Animal testing is cruel and unreliable,” she told senators’. SOURCE…


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