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RIP Mandela: Just months after vets saved his life, bile farm survivor finally succumbs to lifetime of injuries

Mandela suffered years of unimaginable cruelty on a bear bile farm in China where a metal tube was inserted into his abdomen allowing the bile to constantly drip out for use in traditional medicine.

ANIMALS ASIA: ‘More than a decade after being rescued from a horrific bear bile farm in 2005, moon bear Mandela has passed away peacefully at Animals Asia’s China Bear Rescue Centre. In February this year, vets miraculously saved Mandela from a compressed spinal cord, but nothing could be done to prevent the rupturing of a major artery, which ended his life… Mandela suffered years of unimaginable cruelty on a bear bile farm in China where a metal tube was inserted into his abdomen allowing the bile to constantly drip out for use in traditional medicine. It is unknown how long Mandela was “tapped” for his bile in this way, but he certainly spent many years almost completely immobile in a tiny cage – he was merely permitted to eat and breathe…

Mandela was named by primatologist Dr Jane Goodall, DBE, who was present during his rescue from a bear bile farm in China. She chose to name him after former South African President Nelson Mandela in reference to the bears’ ability to forgive after years of confinement and suffering in a prison-like bile farm… Dr Goodall said: “We mourn that Mandela lived so much of his life in the confines of a small cage, but we can take heart in the fact that he had a decade of glorious care at Animals Asia’s sanctuary, with the grass beneath his feet, and the sun on his back, before he succumbed to the ailments that resulted from the long-term cruelty. May Mandela, who I named in recognition of the bears’ incredible capacity to forgive, be forever remembered and inspire us all to put an end to the cruel bear bile industry”.’ SOURCE…


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