Castano founded Freedom Farm Animal Rescue in New Jersey in 2014. The creatures that the non-profit works with have usually been rescued from a lifetime of neglect and abuse.
ANNIE PRICE: ‘Jamie Castano is no stranger to rescuing animals. However, when had he saved one horse from almost certain slaughter in 2017, it had a profound effect on him. That’s because the animal’s response to her newfound freedom touched him deeply… In summer 2017 Castano and some of his fellow animal rescuers went to a livestock auction house in the hope of capturing footage and photographs inside. On that occasion, they didn’t intend to rescue any animals. However, it seemed that the fates had other plans. As Castano looked around the warehouse, something caught his eye. It was a horse with the number “25” branded on her neck…
The horse in question was in a “direct ship” pen, which meant she would be dispatched to slaughter after the auction. And to make matters worse, it didn’t appear that the animal had enjoyed a nice life to begin with… The horse’s plight touched Castano so much that he decided to fundraise to buy her freedom. Thankfully, some kind animal lovers donated to the cause, and soon the equine was on her way to the Freedom Farm Animal Rescue sanctuary with Castano…
Castano founded Freedom Farm Animal Rescue in New Jersey in 2014. The creatures that the non-profit works with have usually been rescued from a lifetime of neglect and abuse. Furthermore, lots of animals Castano and his organization rescue come directly from slaughterhouses where their only fate is often death. Animal lover Castano first became dedicated to saving livestock after rescuing a lamb named Clark in 2016. Around about the same time, he and his girlfriend became vegan after becoming aware of the brutal reality of the meat and dairy industries’. SOURCE…