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The Media Never Mention the No. 1 Cause of Climate Change: Animal Agriculture

Our illogical, immoral meat consumption will kill our planet, kill our future and possibly kill your family. And some might say it’s probably not so good for your being, your energy, your life force, to fill your body with the tortured corpses of nonhuman sentient beings.

LEE CAMP: ‘There are many issues the corporate media will debate in its standard, convoluted, manipulative manner… Yet some topics are forbidden, banned from discussion on the mainstream news channels. One of those issues just happens to be the No. 1 cause of man-made climate change, and a top cause of illness, sickness, torture and environmental destruction in the United States and around the world… That topic is animal agriculture — the raising of the animals most of us eat…

But I don’t want to make this article about how animal agriculture is the largest cause of greenhouse gas emissions (or No. 2, depending on whom you ask). Or how it requires the use of more than 190 billion gallons of water daily. Yes, that’s per day. Or how it takes up 55 percent of our fresh water, compared with the only 5 percent used in households… Ocean dead zones. Fisheries depletion. Species extinction. Deforestation. World hunger. Food safety. Heart disease. Obesity. Diabetes. There is one issue at the heart of all these problems … our demand for and reliance on animal products…

There’s no logic in voraciously continuing a behavior that will kill us in both the short and long term and doesn’t add up with our views toward animals. We have laws against animal abuse—as long as it’s one of the animals we’ve been socially engineered to protect. If you see someone smack a Labrador retriever in public, you’ll dive in front of it like you’re the Secret Service taking a bullet for the president. But if you replace that dog with a pig or a lamb, then we all think, “Grill ’em up! What kind of sauce you got for that?”

If it wasn’t for aggressive cultural programming, our meat-eating habits would seem utterly crazy… Our illogical, immoral meat consumption will kill our planet, kill our future and possibly kill your family. And some might say it’s probably not so good for your being, your energy, your life force, to fill your body with the tortured corpses of nonhuman sentient beings. Do you really want your body to be a Voltron made up of abused cows and beaten pigs?’  SOURCE…


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