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Animal Rights Activists Hold Protests in Los Angeles, Washington, D.C. and Seoul Against the Horrific South Korea Dog Meat Trade

South Korea is the only country that systematically breeds and raises dogs specifically for human consumption. These dogs are purposely tortured then killed as it is believed the more torture the dog endures, the more flavorful the meat.

GLOBE NEWSWIRE: ‘On Tuesday, July 17, 2018, Last Chance for Animals (LCA) and sister organization in S. Korea, Animal Liberation Wave (ALW), will lead hundreds of protesters in three simultaneous demonstrations in Los Angeles, Washington, D.C. and Seoul, South Korea to draw attention to the inhumane slaughter of approximately one million dogs annually in the Korean dog meat trade…

The protests directed toward the Korean government, will be held on Bok Nal, the first of 3 nonconsecutive days marking the hottest days of the Korean summer. Consumption of dog meat soup known as “Boshintang” rises exponentially during the summer to combat the extreme heat… South Korea is the only country that systematically breeds and raises dogs specifically for human consumption. These dogs are purposely tortured then killed as it is believed the more torture the dog endures, the more flavorful the meat’. SOURCE…


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