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Global office-sharing company goes meat-free ‘to leave a better world’

New research indicates that avoiding meat is one of the biggest things an individual can do to reduce their personal environmental impact — even more than switching to a hybrid car.

THOMSON REUTERS: ‘Global office-sharing company WeWork, which operates in 22 countries, is going meat-free and will ban staff from expensing meals containing meat in a bid to “leave a better world for future generations”… It told its 6,000 staff this month that it would no longer serve meat at company events or reimburse expense claims for meat…

“New research indicates that avoiding meat is one of the biggest things an individual can do to reduce their personal environmental impact — even more than switching to a hybrid car,” co-founder Miguel McKelvey said in a memo. Livestock farming is a major driver of greenhouse gas emissions, consumes a tenth of the world’s fresh water and causes large-scale deforestation…

The Vegetarian Society in Britain urged other companies to follow WeWork’s example… Experts said many companies had introduced meat-free Mondays or were looking at changing their canteens to help people choose more sustainable food… They said interest was particularly high in the United States, Britain, Germany, Sweden, Denmark and Israel’. SOURCE…


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