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How mainstream veganism sent the livestock industry on the defensive

We are only a few clicks away from finding out what really goes on behind the closed doors of slaughterhouses, dairy farms and egg farms.

PASCALE HUGHES: ‘The idea of veganism as an ephemeral lifestyle trend is not one that has widespread support. A YouGov survey carried out in 2017 found that 53 per cent of respondents believe it is here to stay and only 28 per cent see it as a passing fad… According to the Vegan Society, more than half of UK adults are now adopting “vegan buying behaviour”, while 28 per cent now identify themselves as “meat reducers”. Veganism has reached the mainstream, even if the people buying the products aren’t proper vegans…

The new vegan dishes loom large on Instagram. Accounts, such as “Yes It’s All Vegan” offer a dizzying array of food that looks like the real, meaty, fishy, cheesy deal – but isn’t… This is the Instagram the meat industry might have been thinking of when it described veganism as a fad. But the platform contains more than aspirational body types and vegan recipes.

“We have access to material we may not have come across before,” says Dominika Piasecka, a spokeswoman for The Vegan Society. “We are only a few clicks away from finding out what really goes on behind the closed doors of slaughterhouses, dairy farms and egg farms. Social media has helped to expose the reality of the animal farming industries”.’ SOURCE…


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