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Clean Meat: A Graphic Primer

A recent Faunalytics study found that 66% of U.S. adults are willing to at least try clean meat.

FAUNALYTICS: ‘Clean meat – also sometimes referred to as cultured meat or in-vitro meat – is real meat made by taking cell samples from animals and growing meat from those cells using a scientific process. Though people often think of it as “lab meat,” at scale it would be manufactured in a similar way to craft beer. It’s important to emphasize that clean meat is not a meat substitute: it is real meat, indistinguishable from the same product from a once-living animal…

According to recent research, about 71% of people in the U.S. identify as meat-eaters today, but only 55% of people would like to keep identifying that way in the future… A recent Faunalytics study found that 66% of U.S. adults are willing to at least try clean meat, while smaller percentages would be willing to buy it regularly or even pay more for it. This is a significant jump in willingness over previous studies’. SOURCE…


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