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See HUMAN TRASH forcing skeletal baby elephant to head bang to music as zoo visitors laugh

The tiny infant is made to 'perform' for tourists up to three-times-a-day in shows that include 'raving' to loud music, playing' musical instruments, and performing tricks.

JON LOCKETT: ‘Sickening footage of a baby elephant being “forced to rave” for the amusement of backpackers and tourists has shocked tens of thousands around the world. The ‘skeletal’ calf is also made to play musical instruments for visitors at Phuket Zoo in Thailand and clearly looks distressed by its unnatural ordeal. The behind-the-scenes clip… shows the elephant being made to bang her head to rave music as laughing tourists watch on. Inside an arena, other elephants were forced to stand in a line, one hitting a cymbal with a drumstick, as another while the baby “played” the harmonica.

The investigators described the scenes as “heartbreaking, shocking and alarming” with the animals living in fear of painful punishment or “training”. Activist group Moving Animals is now campaigning for the stricken animal – dubbed a real-life Dumbo – to be moved to a sanctuary. When not dancing in front of the public, the elephant is kept chained up and often seen sucking on her trunk – which animal behavioural experts say is a clear sign of distress.

Amy Jones, from activist group Moving Animals, said: “Tourists’ money pays to keep this young elephant in captivity, and she will spend the rest of her life forced to perform day after day. “Shocking photos also reveal her skeletal body, raising concerns of possible malnourishment and exhaustion… The tiny infant is made to ‘perform’ for tourists up to three-times-a-day in shows that include ‘raving’ to loud music, ‘playing’ musical instruments, and performing tricks”.’  SOURCE…


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