Declawing involves the removal of all or most of the last bone of each of the toes of the front feet and tendons, resulting in intense and chronic pain and other serious medical or behavioral issues.
OLIVIA ROSANE: ‘New York is officially the first state in the USA to ban cat declawing. The landmark bill passed the state legislature in June, but didn’t become law until Monday, when Gov. Andrew Cuomo signed it, The New York Times reported. It goes into effect immediately. “Declawing is a cruel and painful procedure that can create physical and behavioral problems for helpless animals, and today it stops,” Cuomo said in a statement. “By banning this archaic practice, we will ensure that animals are no longer subjected to these inhumane and unnecessary procedures.”
Cat declawing is not like trimming human nails. The Governor’s office explained why the procedure is harmful to felines… Declawing, also known as onychectomy, involves the removal of all or most of the last bone of each of the toes of the front feet, and tendons, nerves and ligaments that allow for normal function of the paw are severed, resulting in intense and chronic pain and other serious medical or behavioral issues.
After the claws are removed, cats often shift their gait and where it places most of its weight, causing strain on its leg joints and spine, which can lead to early onset arthritis and prolonged back and joint pain. Cats’ claws play an important role in various aspects of their lives, including to assist in climbing and maintaining balance and to escape danger.
The American Association of Feline Practitioners told CNN it opposed declawing as an elective procedure because scratching is “normal feline behavior.” They recommend that, as alternatives, owners buy their cats scratching posts, trim their nails regularly or apply synthetic nail caps, which should be reapplied every four to six weeks… The news was widely welcomed by animal rights groups. “It’s official. New York is the most humane, cat-friendly, claw-friendly, state in the union,” the Paw Project, which advocates against the practice, tweeted’. SOURCE…