Nico Jarvis, 'owner' of three cats, likened the proposal to living under the yoke of a 'police state'. 'It’s not even regulating people’s ability to have a cat. It’s saying you can’t have a cat'.
RT NEWS: ‘A council in New Zealand’s Southland region has sparked fury and indignation after proposing a ban on all cats, effectively eradicating feline populations within a generation… The Omaui village’s so-called ‘pest plan,’ would create a feline registry in which all domestic cats are neutered, microchipped and registered… The regional council proposed the ban as a measure to protect indigenous wildlife…
Nico Jarvis, Omaui resident and owner of three cats, likened the proposal to living under the yoke of a “police state”… “It’s not even regulating people’s ability to have a cat. It’s saying you can’t have a cat,” Jarvis said, adding that a petition to counter the proposal is already in the pipeline and boasts the support of many people in the community. Local animal rights activist organization Paw Justice also railed against the proposal, posting on Facebook: “Come on people, when did our country become a dictatorship?”’ SOURCE…