END IT, DON’T MEND IT: At least 26 animal rights activists arrested at Los Angeles slaughterhouse protest
The DxE group is calling for a moratorium prohibiting the construction of new factory farms and slaughterhouses as a first step to enacting an animal bill of rights.
CITY NEWS SERVICE: Some 26 animal rights activists were arrested… as they attempted to shut down operations at the Farmer John slaughterhouse in Vernon… The action was part of a 48-hour vigil outside the plant meant to call attention to what activists say is Farmer John’s inhumane treatment of animals, as well as the larger issue of factory farming and its alleged harmful effects on the environment and public health… Six people were arrested on suspicion of trespassing for entering the facility, while another 20 were arrested for alleged public nuisance for blocking trucks from delivering pigs to the plant, according to Direct Action Everywhere, whose Los Angeles chapter hosted the event…
The group said four people chained themselves to some of the slaughter machinery while two people went to the roof of the plant an unfurled large animal rights banners… DXE spokeswoman Cassie King told City News Service that the group was able to successfully prevent trucks from entering the facility through much of the vigil… “DXE, along with dozens of other organizations, is calling on Governor Newsom to proactively prevent future pandemic outbreaks by issuing an executive order moratorium prohibiting the construction of new factory farms and slaughterhouses in the state,” a group statement said…
Thousands of pigs are normally trucked into the facility each day, where they are killed and turned into Dodger Dogs, as well as ham, bacon, sausage and hot dogs sold under the Farmer John label… The DXE activists planned to conclude their two-day vigil with a news conference Tuesday morning at Grand Park, where they will call on Los Angeles officials to pass a moratorium prohibiting the construction of new factory farms or slaughterhouses as a first step to enacting an animal bill of rights… They see such a move as a necessary first step toward an animal bill of rights they call Rose’s Law. SOURCE…
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