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Devastating Deals: New report breaks down how Groupon profits from animal exploitation

Lurking among Groupon deals are tickets to roadside zoos, pseudo-sanctuaries, and marine amusement parks with long track records of animal suffering.

LIZ CABRERA HOLTZ: World Animal Protection released a new report uncovering how Groupon has helped some of the worst captive wildlife venues profit from animal cruelty… Devastating Deals: How Groupon Rakes in Profits from Wild Animal Exploitation, reveals that Groupon routinely partners with some of the cruelest captive wildlife venues in the US.

Lurking among Groupon’s deals to restaurants and spas are tickets to roadside zoos (smaller zoos that do not provide adequate care for animals and may offer exploitative interactions), pseudo-sanctuaries (roadside zoos that misbrand themselves as sanctuaries or refuges), and marine amusement parks with long track records of animal suffering.

The listed venues are only a small fraction of the exploitative deals sold on Groupon. In other words, this is only the tip of the iceberg… Every time Groupon sells one of these deals, it drives more people to buy tickets and then takes a cut of the sale price. Many reviews on travel sites noted that it was a Groupon deal that encouraged them to visit the venue. SOURCE…


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