Documents via a successful FOIA lawsuit against the Biden State Department show that the animal lab in Tunisia admitted to the U.S. Embassy and media that Fauci funded the barbaric beagle testing on the same day he and the NIH coordinated their cover-up to deny it, and the Washington Post published their lies. Fauci is the the poster child for government corruption. He and his government and media henchmen deserve long jail sentences (as in life).
ALLISON McDONALD: In 2021, White Coat Waste Project’s Beagle-gate campaign followed the money to a Tunisian dog lab where Dr. Fauci funded experiments in which beagles were drugged and locked in lab cages with biting flies to be eaten alive.
Soon after our explosive Beaglegate investigation went viral, Fauci and the National Institutes of Health suddenly denied they funded the beagle tests, even though the Tunisian experimenters cited them as the funding source in their published paper and the study appeared in the NIH’s database of projects it funded with taxpayer dollars.
In 2022, WCW obtained additional records through the Freedom of Information Act proving that Fauci’s NIH division funded the experiments.
More recently, our investigation uncovered how Fauci was “bombarded by protests” when the story broke and that he and his team quickly fabricated and spread disinformation denying they funded beagle tests and discrediting WCW. The press ran with it.
We also exposed how Fauci broke federal law by using his personal email to evade FOIA requests about Beaglegate and lied to Congress about it…
Now, we’ve obtained documents via a successful FOIA lawsuit against the Biden State Department showing that even the lab in Tunisia admitted to the U.S. Embassy and media that Fauci funded the barbaric beagle testing on the same day he and the NIH coordinated their cover-up to deny it and the Washington Post published their lies…
The records show that local animal advocates in Tunisia were planning a protest outside of the Fauci-funded dog lab, too!
Dr. Fauci is the poster child for government corruption and Congress needs to hold him accountable for his abuses, which carry criminal penalties including fines and jail time. SOURCE…