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Why the First Judicial Department’s Decision In Our Chimpanzee Rights Cases Is Wildly Wrong

STEVEN WISE: ‘On June 8th, the New York Supreme Court, Appellate Division, First Judicial Department issued its decision in the NhRP’s habeas corpus cases of captive chimpanzees Tommy and Kiko. After carefully reviewing and annotating it, we unanimously concluded that the First Judicial Department had almost no idea what the NhRP alleged in our habeas petitions, what our major arguments were, or even what relief we were seeking for Tommy and Kiko. The Court responded by creating, then rejecting, “straw man” arguments the NhRP did not make in an apparent effort to arbitrarily deny personhood and rights to Tommy and Kiko… The NhRP has the right to have a court decide its case based on the powerful public policy arguments that we actually made. That’s why, for the first time, the NhRP decided to fully annotate the decision, making it available as a PDF… In the next two to three weeks, we’ll file a motion for leave to appeal to New York’s highest court, the Court of Appeals’. SOURCE…


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