They could have made a very small amendment but have chosen to turn a blind eye to the needless death of thousands of animals across NZ.
NZAVS: ‘MPs in the Primary Production Select Committee met to discuss the fate of thousands of lab animals in New Zealand. They were deciding on a petition that was asking for the establishment of a mandatory retirement policy for ex-lab animals, to help encourage re-homing and prevent unnecessary euthanasia in NZ. These MPs have just announced their decision… against a retirement policy for ex-lab animals. They have released a report stating that they “do not consider that a mandatory retirement policy is necessary for animals used in RTT (research, testing and teaching)”…
In 2015 alone 88,200 animals were killed during or after experimentation in NZ. It is evident that the government needs to step in and at least encourage these facilities to try and adopt these animals out to loving homes, where they can,” Stated NZAVS Executive Director, Tara Jackson. “We are outraged by the lack of understanding and compassion that the select committee has shown. They could have made a very small amendment but have chosen to turn a blind eye to the needless death of thousands of animals across NZ. We will be taking our campaign to the next level and will be approaching the Minister himself now”, added Miss Jackson’. SOURCE…