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Chinese circus defends using rare animals in its acts despite poor crowds at shows and constant criticism

China has some of the world’s laxest animal rights laws, and campaigners have long called for tougher regulations on the treatment of animals in travelling circuses.

SOUTH CHINA MORNING POST: ‘The use of wild animals in circus shows has come under growing criticism around the world, with some countries banning the practice, but for the Chinese troupe, the beasts are considered a major attraction. “Many Chinese live in big cities where it’s hard to get out into the wilderness. We bring nature to them,” says Li Weisheng the troupe’s manager… China has some of the world’s laxest animal rights laws, and campaigners have long called for tougher regulations on the treatment of animals in travelling circuses…

In the past few years, multiple videos have emerged of apparent animal abuse in China, such as a circus tying down a Siberian tiger for audience members to sit on for photos, which sparked widespread outrage. The two owners of the Chinese Prosperous Nation Circus Troupe, Li Rongrong and Li Ruisheng, were arrested in 2016 for illegally transporting rare and endangered animals and sentenced to 10 and eight years in prison, respectively, but were cleared of all charges at a second trial last year.

The troupe’s animals – two African lions, a two-year-old black bear, a pack of dogs and the tiger – spend most of their time in tiny metal cages under a big tent… The tiger and a lioness with a cut tail – both about a year old – share one cage, in which they restlessly pace around each other. A few times a day, they are allowed to play in the circus ring. The lone bear grasped the top bars of his cage and swung his body back and forth’. SOURCE…


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