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It’s teamwork: How dolphins learn to work together for rewards

The study showed that bottlenose dolphins actively coordinate their behaviours. That is, they can learn to work together and synchronise their actions to solve a cooperation task.

KELLY JAAKKOLA: ‘Cooperation can be found across the animal kingdom, in behaviours such as group hunting, raising of young, and driving away predators. But are these cooperating animals actively coordinating their behaviour, or are they simply acting individually to accomplish the same task at the same time?

A study published in Proceedings of the Royal Society showed that bottlenose dolphins actively coordinate their behaviours. That is, they can learn to work together and synchronise their actions to solve a cooperation task and receive a reward…

The results of the study suggest that this behavioural synchronisation that dolphins show in the wild may not be a hardwired response to a specific context, but may in fact be a generalised ability that they can apply to a variety of situations’. SOURCE…


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