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Thrown away like rubbish: Adorable dog Fay could be UK’s last puppy farm victim

Fay the terrier was rescued just days before the new clampdown on third-party puppy sales came into force this week, a legal move which has become known as Lucy’s Law.

STUART WINTER: ‘The adorable mother dog was found wandering alone and showing all the tell-tale signs of being used to mass produce pups for the shadowy backstreet sales trade. Once she had produced a litter of valuable young dogs, she was discarded like rubbish… Animal lovers are praying this tragic terrier will be the last puppy breeding machine dumped on the streets of Britain…

Fay the terrier was rescued just days before the new clampdown on third-party puppy sales came into force this week, a legal move which has become known as Lucy’s Law. Unscrupulous breeders who mass produce pets for quick profits face tough new regulations that mean puppies now have to be sold in the presence of the new owners to prevent “blind” online sales. Puppies also have to be alongside their mothers when they are seen by prospective buyers.

Lucy’s Law is named after the King Charles Spaniel rescued five years ago from a cramped puppy farm cage with a curved spine and suffering from epilepsy. As animal campaigners celebrated the introduction of the new regulations, carers at London’s Mayhew Animal Home are nursing Fay the Jack Russell whose story exposes the harsh reality of the often cruel and dangerous regimes used to mass produce puppies’. SOURCE…


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