Since 2011, he has been penalized for multiple infractions at racetracks in at least four states. He’s been suspended at least four times and fined at least 30 times for excessive whipping.
PETA: ‘Video footage has surfaced showing a harness racing driver viciously whipping a horse named Donna’s Beach well after she’d crossed the finish line during a July 26 race at Hawthorne Race Course in Cicero, Illinois… In the race replay video footage taken directly from Hawthorne Race Course’s website, Kyle Husted — who is Donna’s Beach’s trainer and driver — struck her with a whip at least three times, the first time 18 seconds after she’d finished the race in second place.
The act appears to have been a punishment, and the Illinois Racing Board itself recognized it as “excessive and abusive.” The incident appears to violate Illinois’ cruelty-to-animals statutes, which state, “No person … may beat, cruelly treat, torment, starve, overwork or otherwise abuse any animal”… Since 2011, Husted has been penalized for multiple infractions at racetracks in at least four states. He’s been suspended at least four times and fined at least 30 times for excessive whipping’. SOURCE…