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U.S. Senate approves Farm Bill minus King amendment; includes major wins for animals

The King amendment threatened to do immeasurable harm to animals by nullifying state and local laws that address, among other issues, the extreme confinement of farm animals.

KITTY BLOCK: ‘The U.S. Senate has voted to approve the Farm Bill by a vote of 87 to 13. The bill did not include the dreaded King amendment that had the potential to nullify important state and local laws protecting animals, but senators approved three key measures that benefit companion animals. The House is expected to vote on the bill later this week…

The King amendment threatened to do immeasurable harm to animals, by nullifying state and local laws that address, among other issues, the consumption of horse and dog meat, ending the slaughter of horses, the extreme confinement of farm animals, shark finning and animals in puppy mills.

But it also threatened to undermine the work states and localities do to protect their citizens in a broad range of policy areas, including food safety, child labor, opioids, pesticide exposure, fire-safe cigarettes, manure management and handling of diseased livestock. It was a straight-up attack on states’ rights to legislate to protect their citizens and animals, and it’s dead now’. SOURCE…


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