CARE famously spearheads campaigns to end the practice of eating dog-meat in South Korea, cashing in some £1.4million in donations every year to save dogs from dog-meat farms across the country.
SARA MALM: ‘More than 230 canines rescued from South Korean dog-meat farms by Coexistence of Animal Rights on Earth (CARE) were ordered by the head of the charity due to a shortage of space at a shelter, staff claim. CARE famously spearheads campaigns to end the practice of eating dog-meat in South Korea, cashing in some £1.4million in donations every year to save dogs from dog-meat farms across the country.
South Korean President Moon Jae-in is one of the charity’s supporters, and adopted a small black and white dog from CARE when he came to office in 2017. However, CARE staff members have accused the organisation’s head, Park So-yeon, of ‘putting down’ dogs despite this going against charity policy.
The 230 dogs ‘destroyed’ was equivalent to around a quarter of the animals the group rescued in the period, according to the Hankyoreh newspaper. Only ten per cent of the dogs were suffering from incurable illnesses and most were killed because of their large size, a CARE employee was quoted as saying. The animals were then listed as having been adopted’. SOURCE…