To transition to a plant-based, free-from-harm economy, all industry leaders would need to collaborate. It would also require help from animal rights’ activists and politicians who currently have very different views on animal rights.
JAMES VIDELE: ‘In 2017 the United States raised over 9.63 billion land-based animals. This number includes cows, veal (baby cows), cows for their milk, chickens, chickens for their eggs, turkeys, goats and sheep (both for their meat and their wool). There are also aquatic species (both wild and cultivated) as well as bees for honey; however, specific numbers were not readily available.
This massive industrial raising of animals for food and fiber requires a complex system of workers anywhere from owners and operators to support services in mechanics and technology, to seasonal agricultural workers and slaughterhouse janitorial services. Not all jobs are equal in their exploitation of the specific animal species…
Simply stated, if we were to eliminate all jobs (a little over 2.5 million) on animal raising farms and in trapping, hunting, and fishing, 99.9% of all animal exploitation in the United States and her waters would end… To transition to a plant-based, free-from-harm economy, all industry leaders would need to collaborate. All farmers, food product manufacturers, restaurant owners, and grocery chains would need to work together to realize this goal. It would require help from animal rights’ activists and politicians who currently have very different views on animal rights…
By accurately assessing where the animal exploitation is occurring, we can begin to consider the possibility of transitioning to non-exploitative job sectors… If the agriculture and food industries are to continue to be the backbone of our national security and a source of human pride, then shifting to a more compassionate way for all beings is 100% necessary’. SOURCE…