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‘Enough to Crush One’s Heart’: 50 alarming animal cruelty statistics

The true extent of animal cruelty is rarely discussed, with less than 0.01% of abuse cases given media attention. Here are fifty animal abuse statistics that put the true extent of animal cruelty into perspective and humanity to shame.

ALEXANDER LAYBOURNE: Animal cruelty statistics make for harrowing reading. If you have a sensitive disposition, then discretion is advised. While there will be no graphic images below, the matter of animal abuse statistics is upsetting.

Abuse happens in many ways. Something mild, seemingly innocent, or even well-intended, can still constitute animal abuse. Animals are majestic creatures, and each breed has a detailed set of care requirements.

The true extent of animal cruelty is rarely discussed, with less than 0.01% of abuse cases given media attention.

Animal cruelty facts and statistics show that animal abuse cases are rising. For example, in the UK, the rate of abuse in dogs has risen by 16% since the start of the 2020 Covid-19 pandemic.

It’s important to understand that animal cruelty extends beyond domestic animals and covers everything from wild animals and farm animals to circus animals and laboratory animals.

Did you know that dogs are the most abused animals?

Farm animals are among some of the least protected animals regarding animal cruelty. Pigs and chickens, in particular, are forced to live in horrible conditions and are effectively held captive for their meat.

Here are fifty animal abuse statistics that put the true extent of animal cruelty into perspective and humanity to shame. SOURCE…


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