‘Fishing is NOT Human(e)’: Stephanie Lane’s haunting art display of humans trapped in fishing nets
The installation demonstrated the suffering of fish caught in a net by depicting humans in a similar experience. The event aims to encourage understanding of the pain and suffering caused to trillions of sentient beings by the fishing industry, and provoke critical thinking on speciesism.
ALEXANDER SMITH: Artist Stephanie Lane of Speciesism.WTF premiered her work Fishing is NOT Human(e) on Sandbanks beach. The installation ‘demonstrated the suffering of fish caught in a net’ by depicting humans in a similar experience…The performance hopes to provoke critical thinking on speciesism. Collectively, the event aims to encourage understanding of the pain and suffering caused to trillions of sentient beings by the fishing industry, as well as the frightening consequences to the ecosystem of losing fish from UK waters.
Amanda Barrie, BCP Council director of commercial operations, previously said the authority had been clear it would not give permission to the artist for the installation. This was ‘out of respect for the families as we approach the anniversary of last year’s tragic events’. After concerns were raised, Ms Lane said she had redefined the event as a ‘protest’… The event was a collaboration with animal rights organisations Save Movement and We The Free…
It is estimated that up to 2.7 trillion wild It is estimated that up to 2.7 trillion wild fish are caught annually, and Alison Mood’s Fishcount study in Feb 2024 revealed that half of all caught fish are fed to farmed animals. You do not need to love other beings to respect their sentience and give equal moral consideration, just as you would with a human. Fish feel pain, suffering, form bonds and communicate amongst themselves in remarkable ways; all backed by science. There is no justification for continuing to destroy their lives and their home. If it’s not ok for humans, it’s not ok for fish…
The artist previously got women to stand outside Tate Modern being ‘milked’ by machines, for a piece of performance art entitled ‘Dairy is Not Human(e)’. The women were not really being milked and oat milk was used instead of breastmilk. SOURCE…