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Mice Sewn Together in $300,000 Experiment That NIH Knows Is Bad Science

ZACHARY TOLIVER: ‘What could we possibly gain from experiments at the University of Virginia (UVA) in which pairs of animals are sewn together and intentionally infected with a condition that leads to an agonizing death? Not a single thing… The National Institutes of Health (NIH)—the same federal agency that funded this demented scheme—has described such experiments as having no value for human medicine. As reported in a recently published paper, UVA experimenters surgically joined mice together in pairs (one mouse was genetically modified to make more of a specific antioxidant than the other).

In this traumatic procedure, experimenters initially made an incision in each mouse’s skin from the elbow to the knee, almost the full length of the body. Then they sutured the animals’ elbows and knees together, piercing nerves that transmit pain and affect movement in those sensitive areas… UVA experimenters also cut open the skin on the animals’ backs, tented it, punched holes in it, and fitted it with a window so that they could observe the blood circulation. The mice then endured a prolonged death – some languishing for nearly four days…

In 2013, a landmark study funded by NIH—the world’s largest public funder of biomedical experiments—found that the results of sepsis experiments conducted on mice can’t be applied to humans, because the conditions just aren’t the same. After he read the study, NIH Director Dr. Francis Collins lamented the “loss of decades of research and billions of dollars” in the development of 150 drugs that successfully treated sepsis in mice but failed in humans… Since 2015, the UVA study alone has wasted more than $300,000 in taxpayer money’. SOURCE…


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