ALICIA GRAEF: ‘Animal advocates are celebrating an epic win with the passage of Nosey’s Law in New Jersey, which makes it the first state in the U.S. to ban all wild animals in traveling circuses… The bill was initially intended to ban elephant acts, but was later expanded by Assembly sponsor Raj Mukherji to include other wild and exotic animals used in traveling shows. Now, its supporters are celebrating an epic victory with its passage. Both Illinois and New York have recently banned elephant acts, but New Jersey is the first to go farther by banning all wild animal acts, and hopefully more states will soon follow its groundbreaking lead.
The law was appropriately named after Nosey, an elephant who had suffered decades of abuse at the hands of her owner, Hugo Liebel. She was taken from the wild in Zimbabwe when she was just two-years-old, before being brought to the states in the early 1980s. In 1988 Liebel bought her, and ever since she’s either been used as a performer under the names Nosey, Tiny, Peanut and Dumbo in circuses, or rented out when she wasn’t being used in shows… Despite this, the U.S. Department of Agriculture has failed to take action to protect Nosey, and Nosey’s owners continue to use her in shows. This bill would prohibit such shows in New Jersey”.’ SOURCE…