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Millions of Drowned Decomposing Animals Allowed to be ‘Rendered’ as Pet Food

North Carolina tells the livestock industry that 'when flooding is an issue' the primary option to dispose of millions of drown animals is Rendering.

SUSAN THIXTON: ‘Dead, decomposing animal carcasses that drown and laid in water for days are accepted in North Carolina to be rendered and sold as pet feed ingredients… The “catastrophic” flooding has resulted in the death of at least “5,500 pigs and 3.4 million chickens” according to the North Carolina Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services… The North Carolina Department of Agriculture disposal plan for millions of decomposing drowned animals was found on the agency’s website; “Mass Animal Mortality Management Plan for Catastropic Natural Disasters“…

North Carolina tells the livestock industry that “when flooding is an issue” the primary option to dispose of millions of drown animals is Rendering: “Rendering is a preferred off-site option with some limitations due to timing challenges and access to carcasses during flooding events. It is low cost and results in a product of value from rendered carcasses”… Will those decomposing animal carcasses become rendered pet food ingredients? Chances are – they will. And worse yet – no pet owner will know which pet food will contain rendered decomposing drowned animals from Hurricane Florence’. SOURCE…


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