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JUDICIAL AG-GAG: UK judge rules video from inside abattoir inadmissible in court because those who filmed it broke-in

Animal agriculture groups are now calling for covert footage to be used only if it is authorized in advance under strict rules that have to be followed by security services.

HAILEY DIXON: ‘A UK judge ruled that video from inside an abattoir was inadmissible in court because those who filmed it had broken into the property and there were concerns over the “integrity” of the footage. Animal agriculture groups are now calling for covert footage to be used only if it is authorised in advance under strict rules that have to be followed by the police, security services and other investigating bodies such as councils.

Unlike the authorities, activists have no obligation to prove it is “necessary and proportionate” before carrying out undercover filming in breach of a person’s privacy. By relying on such evidence in prosecutions, authorities are encouraging activists to break the law on “fishing expeditions” when there is no solid evidence of wrongdoing, it has been warned.’  SOURCE…


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