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Florida school shooting: No one cared when the victims were “just animals” (but God did)

9NEWS: ‘The 19-year-old arrested after a horrific school shooting in the US that killed at least 17 people posed with weapons online and boasted about killing animals. Nikolas Cruz was arrested after a deadly rampage at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School, where he allegedly triggered the fire alarms and shot students as they fled…

Dakota Mentcher, a 17-year-old junior, said he used to be close friends with Cruz but hadn’t seen him in more than a year following his expulsion from school. “He started progressively getting a little more weird,” Dakota said.

Dakota recalled Cruz posting on Instagram about killing animals and said he had talked about doing target practice in his backyard with a pellet gun. “He started going after one of my friends, threatening her, and I cut him off from there,” Dakota said… Another student told 10ABC News Cruz killed “little animals” such as frogs’. SOURCE…


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