GEORGINA SAFE: ‘Cathryn Wills was working as the managing and creative director of accessories brand Mimco when she watched Cowspiracy, a documentary about the impact of animal agriculture on the environment. “I realised I’d been closing my eyes to a number of issues so I did a lot of reading about animal welfare, then I became vegetarian nearly three years ago,” she says. “The fact that I was heading up a large leather accessories business progressively became incongruous for me.” So Wills quit her job.
“When I walked away in mid 2016 I needed to take some time out to think about what was next – but I knew that it had to be creative and it had to be non-leather,” she says. The result is her new vegan accessories brand Sans Beast, born of the Melbourne-based designer’s twin passions for good design and the ethical treatment of animals. “I’m very committed to animals and the more I learn about factory farming, the more I want to make a difference to their situation,” says Wills’. SOURCE…