The footage shows gates being slammed on pigs' heads, workers hitting pigs in the face and head with heavy plastic boards, and spraying marker paint straight up a pig's nose.
PAUL WHITELAM: ‘Workers on a Lincolnshire farm kicked pigs in the face and jabbed them with forks as they subjected them to horrific abuse, campaigners say. Animal rights workers say undercover filming captured more than 100 incidents of pigs being kicked in the face and head – often repeatedly – in the space of 10 days… The scenes were filmed at Fir Tree Farm, in Goxhill, which holds 10,000 pigs and is owned by Elsham Linc, following an anonymous tip-off.
The campaigners say the footage also shows gates being slammed on pigs’ heads, workers hitting pigs in the face and head with heavy plastic boards, and spraying marker paint straight up a pig’s nose. An injured pig being transported in the bucket of a tractor was repeatedly kicked and hit with a gate when it couldn’t move into a pen and a ‘downed’ pig went without veterinary care for 48 hours before it was shot, according to the people who filmed the footage.
Video released by animal protection organisation Animal Equality appears to show workers laughing about the abuse and swearing at pigs… Animal Equality investigators made multiple visits to the farm… and placed hidden cameras in the buildings where violence had been reported. They say they also documented dozens of pigs with severe tail biting wounds, some critically infected, as well as many heavily scarred pigs and several with hernias. Footage has now been passed to the RSPCA’. SOURCE…